
Whether you have firsthand experience of the power of small group or simply recognize our nation’s growing need for healthy community, we need you. Our work cannot continue without generous supporters like you who give out of an overwhelming desire to live in a world where no one feels alone. Where everyone has a place to feel known. To feel loved. To be heard. Where grief and bitterness, anger and heartache, hurt and confusion, aren’t allowed to linger in our lives. Where the transforming power of hope turns those hollow spaces within us into flourishing fountains of grace. 

As you give, know that you are making a difference in the lives of individuals and communities near and far.

Healing begins in the circle. And we’re so thankful to have you in ours. 



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Attributing Gifts

Are you honoring a friend, coworker, or family member with your gift?<br>

Are you donating in memory of a lost loved-one?

Company Match?

If your company offers matching potential, please provide basic information below. If you have any questions or further information for Restore, please email us at

Manage Your Giving (Optional) 

If you would like to create a login to manage your giving preferences, you can create a secure login and password below. If you choose to do this at a later date, contact and they will email you login credintials.

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